Dear contact,It does not happen every week, but this week it does. We are getting in touch with you twice. We won’t make this a habit.
We are launching a second survey about HR and Corona, together with our partners Antwerp Management School and VBO-FEB.
The last time we did this was in April. But we want to know how you are coping. More than 1000 professionals participated in this survey. You can expect some feedback in a couple of weeks.
So please take a moment to fill in this survey. It’s important.
Take care. Stay safe.
David Ducheyne
President of Hrpro.be
P.S. Below you’ll find some interesting online events by VDAB.
The survey is conducted by Antwerp Management School (Ans De Vos and Kathleen Vangronsvelt) and with the support of these organizations: